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Friday, March 10, 2006

"Grumpy Mommy"

This is what my son has been singing, over and over and over, all morning. Kind of to the tune of "Clementine". He has been periodically doing this for a couple of weeks now, when he doesn't get what he wants. I suppose it's an improvement on "I hate you", which he can say with such venom that my heart withers a little each and every time he utters that phrase. And the moody about-faces are so rapid it takes my breath away. One minute, he's kissing my cheeks and my hands, telling me he loves me and I'm the best Mommy. And then, suddenly, he hates me, and is growly and stomping around.

This morning, he woke early and wanted to go downstairs. I told him it was too early, and to snuggle with me, or in his own bed, or to turn on his light and play or read quietly. This lasted for a few minutes, and then he was back, demanding to go downstairs to watch a movie. And I said no. So, off he went, stomping like a dinosaur, singing "Grumpy Mommy" and waking up his sister. Argh! At least she was happy to go and read for a while.

When we finally went downstairs (at 7:20 am), he refused. He was still singing. A little while later, he came down and ordered me to put a movie on. I, of course, refused. More stomping and singing ensued. During this time, I got breakfast for my daughter, and read her a couple of books. We wrote in her Reading Log for school, and then she went off to play. The stand-off continued. I'm so glad he hasn't learned the art of hostage-taking, because I'm sure he would try it!

Finally, I went up and asked if he was hungry. I offered cereal, or waffles, or bagel and cream cheese. Then, the moment of truce - "Mommy, did you get eggs? Can you make me one of those things that is folded, with cheese in it?". I knew it was a good idea to learn to make a proper omelette! Peace, and a full stomach, makes for a happy boy (who is still angling for a movie, but is content to wait until tonight!)


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