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Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Holy Toledo, Batman!!

Amazing, a news item actually positively affected my life. Upon reading about possible delays in the timeframe requiring Canadians to have passports to enter the US, I thought "no biggie, I've used my passport for years. I even use it for flying domestically, because it's just easier." And then I thought "hmmm, wasn't it close to expiring?" Well, it runs out in 9 days. And my conference in Kansas City is in November. Guess who's gonna be getting some lovely new mug shots, I mean passport photos, taken next week? (I'd do it sooner, but I'm getting my hair done on Thurs, so I might as well look human!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Make sure you go to one of those "glamour shot" places to get the photos done! Someone as cool as you can't have those ordinary boring "black and white" ones!!

PS> had my leftover cake last night....OH MY GOD it was so good!


Tue Oct 03, 11:25:00 a.m.  
Blogger crse said...

I have cake envy! I wish I had the wherewithall to get my crap together when I get my ID pictures taken. They generally look like before pictures for extreme makeover....because combing my hair and applying make-up is asking just too much from me when im not working....

Tue Oct 03, 08:03:00 p.m.  
Blogger Canada said...

Well, you know you're not allowed to smile in the mug shots anymore, right? And no glasses (not a problem). And I think there's something about jewellery, too. Also, can't wear white or light colours. Must plan this carefully with the timing of the dark load being clean!

Tue Oct 03, 10:37:00 p.m.  

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