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Sunday, July 29, 2007

Heading Out

So I'm supposed to be packing to go to Montebello for decor work. We're leaving around noon, and coming back on Wednesday (with no computer access!!!). What am I doing instead? Loading new music on my iPod, and photos!! I had no idea that my Nano was able to have pics, so I now have 17 images loaded. Have I packed anything? Of course not!! But I have time.

I had a massage on Friday. It was badly needed. My left shoulder and neck get really messed up from playing guitar and flute - neither are normal positions. This was exacerbated in March when the little boy from the nursery school jumped on my back to give me a hug. It clicked my neck, but I didn't have time to see anyone then, and it started feeling better so I never bothered. Well, for about a month, my clavicle has been really tight, and I even felt like I had an upper rib out on the left. My whole shoulder feels pulled up. I saw a new massage therapist because mine is lovely, but not getting what needs to be worked on, even after I pointed it out a few times. Well, let me tell you, Mark is fabulous!!! He understood when I said I needed a lot of pressure - I have a very high threshold for pain, and my muscles need seriously deep pressure. You know your shoulder is very messed up when the RMT says "hmmm . . . .it's very tight. I can't even access the scapula or the clavicle because the muscles are so tight. Muscle is supposed to be supple, but it's like massaging bone on the left side". Ouch! Yesterday, I was so sore. Advil is my friend for sure. The good news is that the headache I have had a bit of for a couple of weeks is now gone. I go again a week from Friday. I just hope all the decorating doesn't lock things up before then!


Blogger crse said...

I wannnntttt onnnnnnneeee
thats a whine...

Tue Jul 31, 07:25:00 p.m.  

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