Bits of Monday
You'd think I would be blogging more now that the kids are in school. What is up with that? Could be because I really haven't done much that's very exciting, except try to get some stuff (tedious stuff) done. And I've been loving my new gym, so I've been going there way more than I was going to the old, crappy gym. My friend, the Senator, is even thinking of switching (we met at the gym that went out of business). Yay!! I hope she does, because it's always fun to work out when she's there to chat with.
Last night, Weasley came over to watch a movie. Hubby has been working ridiculously long hours (he even went in on Saturday for a few hours) and had some reading to do last night, so he passed on watching with us. Instead, he did his reading and went to bed early. Anyway, Weasley and I had a great time, drinking beer and eating Dill Pickle chips (yes, bad for sure, and not helping in the fitting back into my favourite jeans, but whatever), and watching Friends With Money. Kind of a weird movie, with the worst ending ever! And the whole scene where Olivia (Jennifer Aniston) actually uses her client's vibrator -eeeeew! I said something like "oh, yet another reason I don't have a maid", and Weasley laughed and said "the first being that you're far too anal about clealiness - you'd be recleaning after she left". Oh, honey, I'd be cleaning even before she got here!
And my Mom's knee is doing well, but she's starting to go crazy not being able to do anything (this is a woman who washes the kitchen floor daily, and irons sheets, and has a huge garden that weeds are afraid to show up in because they get yanked before they have time to see the sun). The funny part about this is my Dad - let's just say that his "job", since he retired, is to clean the finished basement(vacuum, clean the bathroom, dust). And he does it "once a month, whether it needs it or not". You should see the look of horror on my Mom's face when he says this, and the full body shudder that accompanies it! Anyway, my Dad was going for groceries today. And he's been making all the meals. And my Mom asked him to sweep the kitchen floor. To which he responded "Oh, okay. It looks all right to me." And my poor Mom was thinking "oh, it needs to be washed, but he won't do that, so maybe I can get him to sweep". I keep telling her that she can't expect him to be a clean freak, because she trained him not to worry about it - she did it all. Me, I broke Hubby in early! That's all I got, except this crappy cough that has been here for over a week. And a voice lesson and my first client of the new school year tomorrow. Great. I hope I don't cough and hack through it all!
Man Im so sorry that ick made it all the way up to canada! you know? im so not a clean freak but during the six months we had a cleaning woman (before financial reality caught up with me) i would clean the night before she got there. It was insane. Dont worry about the blogging, you know your fan base will gladly continue in our compulsive checking of your blog as we always have!
Hi Canada,
Thanks for hosting our girl's night last night..I had fun and it was very relaxing!
I listened to the CDs you gave me...funny how Wilson Phillips is not as good years later..although Depeche Mode's Violator album is timeless in my mind..haha.
After listening to each I couldn't help but put Adrienne Jones back into the CD player...I'm so glad you gave me that CD! In a life that is constantly busy and in various stages of gay drama and the like it's nice to have relaxing music to fall back on I must say :)
I think I must have been a flower child in a previous life..what is it with my love of folk music??
Anyhoo..I hope your voice lesson goes well...make sure your voice is in working order by Thursday!
PS> Are we going to Boston Pizza after practice on Thursday
We'll call it the great "is-he-a-gay-waiter-or-not" debacle of 2006!
Or..should we reserve time to see His Holiness Sri Sri instead?
I am going straight to H E double hockey stick!
I must be tired why am I rambling on so...????
Weasley :)
crse - I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who would clean before a cleaner came!
And Weasley - I had fun, too. We'll have to do it more often. And I think you may need your own blog, babe!
ps if you want to go check out the waiter at BP, I'll go with you!
lol..I figured you'd say I need my own blog or something after my marathon comments..
I don't really have that much to say though..haha.
Maybe I should just email you at home when I want to write and write and write and write...
Honestly, I never email's just your blog is so friggen interesting I find myself's really quite odd for me.
Here I go again..> I've written a small book..haha
Weasley, you can write as much as you want, sweetie!! It's nice to know my mundane life is interesting to someone!
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