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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Goin' Head to Head With Oprah

I don't recall if I have written about this before, but one of my clients (The Future Mrs Keith Urban) is obsessed with watching Oprah. It used to be Oprah and Dr Phil, but her parents have been limiting the Dr Phil exposure - some topics are a little too much for her (chronologically she's almost 20, but developmentally she's a bit younger). Anyway, she is so fanatical about Oprah that she will not watch it taped - it must be "live". And watch out if you make her late for the opening moments of the show. She even told off her doctor for starting an appointment late, because she was going to miss some of Oprah.

Accordingly, she and I have had our sessions from 3-4. Which then morphed into 2:55-3:55, because of the O Almighty. Fine, whatever. This year, when scheduling, I arranged her session for 2:55-3:55 on Thursdays. Everything seemed good. Unfortunately, I got a call from her mom. Seems that the van that brings her home arrives later this year - more like 3:10. For anyone else, a 3:30-4:30 session would be the logical adjustment. But . . . "O" no!!!! And I already have a client from 5:30-6:30, followed by choir on Thursdays. Mondays are out (Clara, gymnastics, 5-7). Tuesdays I have flute choir. Wednesdays, Hubby and the kids have Cubs at 6:30. I could do it from 5-6, but we have one car and walking to Cubs isn't always feasible. Fridays? I'd really rather not. Looked like it would be Wed, but I was wracking my brain for alternatives. Lo and behold, the beauty of time shifting. I searched, making sure the big O was available at 5, and then presented the idea to The Future Mrs Keith Urban's mom. She was unaware of time shifting, but thought it was a great idea, especially as it will give them more flexibility for other stuff that may come up. The only potential fly in the ointment would be TFMKU's rigid adherence to the "Oprah is at 4:00" schedule (just in case you aren't familiar with people who have developmental delays, routine is often HUGE and messing with the routine can really throw them off in a big way). She promised to get back to me . . .

Well, it was a hit!!!!! TFMKU thinks that it is awesome that she is watching Oprah on the Calgary station - because that's where Paul Brandt is from (another country singer she has a crush on). So 3:30-4:30 it is. Woo hoo!!! How many other people can say they went head to head with Oprah and came out on top?


Blogger Lucy said...

Oh, the reach of Oprah. It's really a sad, sad thing.

Wed Sep 10, 09:19:00 p.m.  
Blogger Clementine said...

Awesome troubleshooting! Creativity and flexibility win again.

Thu Sep 11, 01:04:00 p.m.  
Blogger Firefly1234 said...

woo hoo - you won!

Fri Sep 12, 12:02:00 p.m.  
Blogger Margaret said...

That is about the funniest thing I have heard today. You go, woman.

Fri Sep 12, 11:06:00 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's these kind of victories that keep us going!

Thu Sep 18, 09:19:00 p.m.  

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