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Friday, October 27, 2006

Friday Double Meme Day

Since I'll be decorating all weekend, and/or stressing about my rehearsal on Sunday, here are two memes. The first from the always entertaining crse, and the second from my dear friend Nancycle. Enjoy. Oh, and tag, you're it . . . if you're playing!

Nine Weird Things About Me Meme
1. I am always reading. Really. On planes, trains, in automobiles (if I'm not driving), in the tub, while brushing my teeth, while I watch tv, eating by myself . . . I even used to get in trouble when I was about 10 because my Mom didn't think that reading and drying the dishes combined well.
2. I have a huge fear of hitting a deer while driving at night. Higher than the average person's fear, I'd say. Not because I'm ultra-worried about damaging my car (though it would suck, repairs always do), but because I will be absolutely traumatized about hurting the deer. I end up in tears when I see the ones that didn't cross safely.
3. I used to walk on my tiptoes. For years. Not because I was a ballerina, but because my tendons didn't stretch as fast as my legs grew, and it was more comfortable.
4. A new discovery - I veer toward minor keys. Yes, I do revel in melancholy music, but this is weird. Unless I am accompanied while warming up with scales, I naturally sing minor. What this says about me, I have not quite decided. And yes, it's fairly uncommon.
5. I can listen to the same song on repeat one for hours (much to the chagrin of Hubby and all former roommates). If I like it, I like it a lot!
6. In high school, I apparently said "wouldn't it be perfect to have twins, especially a boy and a girl so you can get it all over with at once?" I didn't remember saying this until I was pregnant with twins, and some friends reminded me. Be careful what you wish for!
7. In the same vein, I saw the house we now live in as a model home. We had moved into our first house in Jan of 1997, and I went house-hunting with a friend in Sept of that year. I went home and told Hubby I'd found our next house. I told him that when it was done being a model home, people would buy it and when they moved, we'd buy it. Totally forgot about this, and then we had twins. Our two bedroom wasn't going to work for long, and we were out on a walk in October of 2001 and saw an open house sign for this house. Again, be careful what you wish for (this house is now known as the Money Pit!)
8. I don't like peanuts, but I love peanut butter (creamy, not crunchy). Oh, and peanut M&Ms.
9. I love filling out forms and doing surveys. Weird, but true. Whenever census happens, I always hope for the long form (haven't gotten it yet!). I also really, really want to be called for jury duty.

Here I Am Looooooove Me Meme
Explain what ended your last relationship? Well, it's been awhile (married 12 years!), but broke up with high school borfriend because I met Hubby. And when Hubby and I agreed to date other people (when I was going to grad school), I broke up with him for dive shop guy, but then broke up with dive shop guy, too. And obviously got back together with Hubby.

When was the last time you shaved? Yesterday.

What were you doing this morning at 8 a.m.? Making breakfast for the kids/making lunches for the kids/trying not to strangle Clara as she was being a little snot.

What were you doing 15 minutes ago? Finally having coffee!!!!!

Are you any good at math? Some. But I don't like it. And don't give me the "math and music are closely related" line. There is no trigonometry in music!!

Your prom night, what do you remember about it? Well, grade 12 I went with two guys, both friends. And I had a white full-skirted/tight bodice dress. And since we were in downtown Toronto, and there are subway grates, I did the Marilyn Monroe thing at about 2 am. The first try? Dress went over my head!! Second, S.M. got pics. Very cool. Grade 13, we had moved to another city, and Western BF and I stayed at a hotel. Of course, my parents thought I was staying at Francis's house (so did Rachel's parents, for that matter!). Someone pulled the fire alarm toward the end of the dance, so that's when Western BF and I left. Of the two, grade 12 was more fun (and I had way more friends there!)

Do you have any famous ancestors? Apparently can be traced on my Mom's side to the first watchmaker in England.

Have you had to take a loan out for school? Nope. Gotta love the Bank of Dad.

Do you know the words to the song on your MySpace profile? Do I have a MySpace profile?

Last thing received in the mail? A lovely thank you note from Peaches and Petunia.

How many different beverages have you had today? Coffee. Oh, and water.

Do you ever leave messages on people’s answering machine? Yes. Of course. But I prefer voicemail where I can press # and skip the outgoing message

Who did you lose your CONCERT virginity to? Chicago - with Peter Cetera. Went with one of my two grade 12 grad dates. Had laryngitis, so I didn't really get to sing.

Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach? Not so much my name, but I doodle. And bury my feet.

What’s the most painful dental procedure you’ve had? The only one beyond cleaning was my wisdom teeth removal. Horrible. I woke up during, they had to saw the bottom two in quarters because they were so impacted, I hemhorraged, and Tylenol 3 does NOTHING for me (ended up with Percocet after that - it was very effective). Oh, and I had a dry socket. Not too sure exactly what that is, but it was fucking painful, and involved a needle of novacaine being injected right into the painful spot before he could fix it. My first, and hopefully last, experience with freezing. I was shaking, with tears rolling down my face in the dentist's chair.

What is out your back door? Deck with a pergola that's covered in engleman ivy vines and some wisteria, steps down to (the future patio) grass, and gardens in the back. A fence. And some trees - a ginkgo, a horsechestnut, a black walnut, a mountain ash, a serviceberry shrub, some sumac, and a sargent crabapple.

Any plans for Friday night? Working. Decorating for either the Spanish Gala or the Snowsuit Fund Gala, both of which are tomorrow. I start at 1 pm, and we will work until we're done (1 am? 2 am? midnight? who knows)

Do you like what the ocean does to your hair? Yes, except for the sand. Which is why I often use Big from LUSH, which has salt in it for volume and shine, without the sand (and it smells pretty, too)

Have you ever received one of those big tins of 3 different popcorns? Yes.

Have you ever been to a planetarium? Oh my God, I LOVE the Planetarium!! I was so bummed when they closed the one at the ROM in Toronto. After I quit my internship from hell, I spent a lot of time there. It's very peaceful (I used to go before my depressed state, too)

Do you re-use towels after you shower? Yup. One for my hair and one for my body. (just like Nancycle said)

Some things you are excited about? The choir tour. My trip to conference in Kansas City (5 days!!! No kids!!! No husband!!! Long uninterrupted bubble baths, room service, and doing my nails!). Getting my flute back on Sunday (which is almost cancelled out by the nerves of playing it on Sunday afternoon)

What is your favorite flavor of JELL-O? whatever has vodka in it - JELL-O shots are really the only JELL-O I consume, and it's been a long time since I've done that.

Describe your keychain(s)? I have the remote keyfob one that comes with the vehicle, and I have a green metallic alligator that is also a bottle opener.

Where do you keep your change? In my change purse that has a keyring on it, that I keep clipped to the clip in my purse. Or, in the bottom of whatever purse I'm using, floating around loose.

When was the last time you spoke in front of a large group of people? I try to avoid this at all costs. Closest was probably doing a reading in church several years ago.

What kind of winter coat do you own? Black leather jacket, beautiful faux shearling, red Columbia for sport-y things and playing.

What was the weather like on your graduation day? Undergrad - cold and windy - and it was May!!!! Master's - I was in Miami, so hot and sunny.

Do you sleep with the door to your room open or closed? Open. Need to hear the kids. However, I still have a baby gate closed at the top of the stairs, so I can hear them if they try to go downstairs without me (and I figure that any intruders will crash into it and alert me, too)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you tried saying, "Wouldn't it be neat if a stranger gave me $7 million for absolutely no reason?"

Fri Oct 27, 12:33:00 p.m.  
Blogger Canada said...

Actually tried saying I would win an over million dollar lottery on March 15, 2003, and bought tickets for all lotteries that week, but . . . nothin'.

Fri Oct 27, 01:16:00 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I am so glad that you are my friend. :-)

What a blessing.

Thoughts on "my" meme:

Percocet and a dry socket, what a cocktail! A dry socket is when the blog clot that forms within a exo site gets dislodged. New bone can not form without this blood clot. It is, very, very painful. You must have been flying high - the Percocet is highly addictive.

What is out your back door? You must have been salivating to answer this question! I hate you and love you for being so non-decorating/gardening challenged. :-)

"Deck with a pergola that's covered in engleman ivy vines and some wisteria, steps down to (the future patio) grass, and gardens in the back. A fence. And some trees - a ginkgo, a horsechestnut, a black walnut, a mountain ash, a serviceberry shrub, some sumac, and a sargent crabapple.

If it were possible, I'd have a gardening boner reading this.

In other thoughts...Linking to LUSH. Ah. I'm missing their body butter.

The new flute...Either there is something SO sexy about learning a new instrument or I need to get laid in a bad way.

Be home next Friday.
xo n.

Fri Oct 27, 10:18:00 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That would be BLOOD clot...

I'm not sure what a blog clot would be.

:-) too funny

Sun Oct 29, 03:27:00 p.m.  

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