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Saturday, February 10, 2007

Alphabet Meme

As tagged by Luckybuzz.

A- Available or Single? I could be available. We'll talk. (okay, this was LB's answer, but I really, really like it. Shhh . . . let's not tell Hubby, 'kay?)
B- Best Friend? Gerhard, Valium Kid. And many very close friends that I'm not going to list.
C- Cake or Pie? Cake, if carrot with real cream cheese icing. Or cheesecake. Pie, if pumpkin. Or key lime.
D- Drink of Choice? Currently, not wine! Depends on my mood - last summer there was a whole mojito phase, and blender drinks are good, too.
E- Essential Item? something to read.
F- Favorite Color? Green.
G- Gummi Bears or Worms? The sour version of either.
H- Hometown? Define hometown. Where I was born? Westmount (basically Montreal), Quebec. Place I identify with the most? London, Ontario (end of gr 2 through grade 8, moved back in 3rd year university, got married there, my parents moved away from London the year after I got married).
I- Indulgence? Just had a music (print, not recorded) buying binge. Also, long steamy soaks in the tub.
J- January or February? February. I fucking hate January!
K- Kids and names? Twins, age six. Clara and Corwin (as they are known in the blogworld).
L- Life is incomplete without…? music, friends, family.
M- Marriage Date? May 21, 1994!
N- Number of Siblings? None - I'm an only (raise your hand if you figured that out all by yourself!!)
O- Oranges or Apples? Yes. Actually, clementines or blood oranges and McIntosh or Cortland apples.
P- Phobias/Fears? Something happening to one of the kids; dying before my kids are grown (gotta love how becoming a parent has expanded the phobia part of my life); fire (as in, the house going up in flames); hitting a deer while driving at night; hurricanes (not so much since I no longer live in FL) and tornadoes (Hurricane Andrew and tornadoes in southwestern Ontario fuel this one).
Q- Favorite Quote? will update when I can actually think of one besides "I've got red, I've got green, I'm out of purple. But I do have one last Gold Circle Coin, the condom of champions. Nothin' is getting through this sucker! . . . I'm a safety girl"
R- Reasons to smile? 39 days 'til it's officially spring, and Daylight Savings Time starts early - March 11. Oh, and I'm definitely going to my conference in Newport, RI in March!
S- Season? Autumn all the way. It's what I missed most in Miami.
T- Tag 3 people? Nancycle, Shelibells, Dr. Brazen Hussy. But no pressure.
U- Unknown Fact About Me? Well, don't you think it might be unknown for a reason?
V- Vegetable You Hate? Brussels Sprouts. Yech!! (just had the full-body shudder from thinking about them)
W-Worst Habit? Worrying. Procrastinating.
X- Xrays You’ve Had? Oh man. Dental - the usual. Then many ankle and knee and arm (luckily have only broken toes and had a hairline fracture in my foot when I ripped the crap out of my ligaments with a wicked sprained ankle)
Y- Your Favorite Foods? Sushi. Thai. Thai hot and sour soup from Lotus Garden in Miami (sadly, too far for takeout). Vietnamese. Indian. Pretty much anything that someone else has made!
Z- Zodiac? Aries (I apologize that I lack the detail LB provided in her zodiac description. If anyone would like to elaborate on mine, feel free)


Blogger Maggie said...

An only child AND an Aries? Yup, I think I figured both those out... :) (I'm Aries rising, so I should know.)

Sun Feb 11, 08:30:00 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mmmm, carrot cake....

Sun Feb 11, 12:29:00 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i forgot about the carrot cake....

Sun Feb 11, 03:36:00 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

should have tagged me
how do i do these meme things

thanks for brightening my day with the daylight savings reminder!!!


Sun Feb 11, 04:37:00 p.m.  

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