2007 Archive Meme
2007, in a nutshell meme
Stolen, as usual, from Luckybuzz.
The general directions:
1) Harken back to your archives.
2) Collect the first sentence you wrote every month for the whole year. (I've gone one step further and put the title as well as the first sentence. Because I felt like it!)
3) Entertain us.
January: Is ANYONE Surprised By This?The Neat Freak
You scored 50 anxiety, 34 awkwardness, and 61 neuroticism!
You exhibit neurotic behaviors without the underlying anxieties, and you manage fine socially while balancing compulsive urges...so you must be The Neat Freak!
February: Random 13
1. Suddenly realized that I am too old to drink caffeine at night.
March: Maybe It'll Let Me Do This
Since Blogger won't let me post my five questions from Sidonia (I started, then saved the draft.
April: Search and Rescue
I know, I need to finish the update and details of my trip, and I will, I promise.
May: The Lazy Blogger
Yes, I am still alive.
June: Tagged Again!
Well, while hibernating (translates to "while completely immersed in Facebook"), I have been tagged for a meme by Gretty.
July: So True - I Even Have Lotion In This Scent
Your Scent is Pumpkin Pie
August: Peace, Man!!!
I have been away decorating since Sunday.
September: And They're Off!
The big yellow bus picked them up and headed down the road to learning.
October: A Grand Affair
No, not the romantic type (but I can think of a few possibilities . . . .kidding!).
November: The Insanity Update
I was feeling a bit (bitter? upset? bitchy? sad? hysterical? pissed off? insulted? you fill in the blank, because I'm sure I felt it this week) because I hadn't heard from PoD, except through his FB status updates.
December: Canada Got Run Over By A Reindeer
Well, not really, but that would explain the extended absence.
Hmmmm . . . seems to me it has been a year of blog-slacking, and unoriginal thought (memes and quizzes abound). Oh well, New Year's resolutions to write more consistently will probably be broken by Valentine's Day, but I'll do my best.