RBOC - the Holy Crap Edition
- Until my music therapy practice builds up a bit more, I have started another part time job. I love working with Boss Lady doing decor, but it isn't consistent. I will still be doing that, but have added the job title of "Builder of Bears" to my resume. Yep, I'm working for that company which specializes in custom stuffed animals made at retail locations. It's flexible and they need more people for daytime, less for evenings and weekends which suits me fine. I've worked two shifts and even though the money isn't great, at least it's fun.
- So speaking of the music therapy practice. I have a proposal to make to the school board for which I currently provide 1.5 contract hours/week. I e-mailed the correct person (after consulting with the education assistants at the two schools I go to), and have been waiting to hear from him. Well, he called today to say he is interested in hearing my proposal. We're in phone tag mode at the moment, but keep your fingers crossed!!!!!!!
- My sister-in-law, Kat, suffered 3rd degree burns to her thighs and groin on Monday. She has no idea how it happened, but she managed to drop her entire cup of tea in her lap before she even had a sip. Frogman (her boyfriend/basically husband) was all ready to drive her to the hospital until they realized that she really couldn't put on pants, and really couldn't go out with a bare ass! They called the ambulance (smart move - it was rush hour, and they took her to the correct hospital with the burn unit). She's home, and will be at least until March 17th. I called her this morning to see if she wanted me to bring her some lunch, and she was really weepy. Turns out she had asked her parents to come over yesterday to help her (she can't move around very well and she's pretty sore), but they said they were too busy. They're fucking retired!!!!!!!! OMG!!!! Seriously, I have no idea what the hell is wrong with my in-laws. Anyway, her mom was going today. I did drop over and bring her some books and DVDs and the travel DVD player (in case she wants to stay in bed but is too tired to concentrate on a book). Also some tulips, which I put in her bedroom, and a little plant arrangement, as well as some homemade soup for dinner tonight or lunch tomorrow.
- We're getting MORE snow overnight. Like we need it, right? Is it spring yet? Oh, and freezing rain is forecast for Monday - yay.