I Should Be In Bed . . .
. . . sleeping (sorry to disappoint if you were expecting something a little racier). Seriously, I need to get a few hours of sleep. I have to be out the door at 5:50. That's a.m. For the Disco Event we're decorating for tomorrow. I'm still tired from the Gala. And I have a wicked sinus headache just over my left eye. Oh, and I'm out of Advil Cold & Sinus. Fucking wonderful.
So, I'll be working all day tomorrow, and then I'll get a few hours off while the event happens (otherwise known as the fun part in which we, the decorating fairies, do not get to participate). And then take down. I don't know how long I'll last, considering the church/choir commitment, followed by the kids' family birthday party. The scary part is that I'm sending Hubby to the (brand new, very big, very sterile-looking) grocery store to get specific ingredients. Hmmm. Oh, and it's a case of I need A, B, and C. If they don't have A, then don't get B or C. Then you have to get D, E, and F. Watch, he'll come back with A, E, and W. Because "they were out". Which translates to "I couldn't find it and I'm genetically unable to ask for help. Because it's like asking for directions". That's why those male sperm have to be fast swimmers. Because they have to swim around and around and around, lost, but not asking for directions.
5:50. A.M. Blech. I have to get up at 5:25. Did I mention that I'm not a morning person? Sweet dreams, everyone. Have a couple for me.
I'll be having a Venti something at SBux. With an extra shot of espresso.