This is AMAZING!!!!
I love ballet. And Swan Lake is my very favourite ballet. I have seen many companies perform this ballet. The National Ballet of Canada I have have seen many times, and I loved the Erick Bruhn choreography, but I also like the new James Kudelka version. The Royal Winnipeg is okay (but I am wickedly biased in my preference for the National in anything they do over the Royal Winnipeg). I saw the Kirov, which was phenomenal. La Scala Ballet of Milan, seen in the summer of 1986, sucked! I could not get past the fact that they were wearing romantic length tutus for a classical ballet. Classical ballet is all about the line of the leg. What the hell?!
Anyway, I just saw this clip. It is unique and cute at the beginning - 4 dancers as frogs. Nicely done. Then, the swan part. Seriously, watch all of it. It is truly the most amazing thing I have ever seen. Unbelievable!!!! I want them to go on tour here!