Mi, Mi, Mi-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-!
I have my first voice lesson at 11:15. I feel a little ill. I wonder if anyone has been kicked out after one lesson?
Get your feet wet!
I have my first voice lesson at 11:15. I feel a little ill. I wonder if anyone has been kicked out after one lesson?
Let the laundry begin. And the unpacking. And the grocery shopping (Mother Hubbard, anyone?). We ran into a wicked, wicked thunderstorm just before Kemptville. The sky was pitch black up ahead, and as we drove, it kept getting darker and darker, and the lightning started, and suddenly we were driving in torrential rain. Really torrential - we pulled over with about 8 other cars. Since I lived in Miami, I have never had to pull over for rain, but this was crazy! Corwin was worried that we weren't going to get home, then it let up a bit after a few minutes, and we were on our way. Rain stopped, and it's sunny (ish), hot & humid here. Better unpack!
The last days of the vacation have been wonderful, too. On Friday, we went to The Twisted Fork here in Oakville. My parents have been friends with the owner since he was the chef at another establishment in town and they took cooking lessons from him (Dad - basic and the specialized, Mom - just the specialized). Now, he and his wife and their son are family friends. Corwin and Clara love eating at Michael's restaurant - no wonder, Michael is a very cool guy. Laura is sweet and fun to hang out with, and their son, CoolDude is . . . well, cool! We had a very enjoyable lunch, and the kids were thrilled that CoolDude (who is three and a half years older than Corwin and Clara) was at the restaurant. We saw him briefly, but he was really tired - he had been up since 4:30 am with his dad, since Michael was on Breakfast Television that morning (click the link, scroll down - you can see some of the Breakfast Television clips from the past 8 months). The rest of the day was low key, and it was probably the earliest night I had.
Who knew that bucking bronco riders and bull riders were so damn good-looking? Talk about eye candy! Last night, my Dad was watching the highlights from this year's Calgary Stampede and I was just hanging out. Well . . . a couple of cowboys took off their hats after they rode and I was happily surprised. Not quite ready to plan a whole vacation there, but who knows?
So . . . Wednesday. Once we got back to Oakville, we had a great time in the pool with the kids. Or rather, Hubby did - I went for a massage with my mom's massage therapist. My neck/shoulder have still been bothering me - the RMT that I saw in lieu of my regular one was okay, but did not release the knot completely, so it rebounded (and it came back even worse). Well, Libby certainly knows what she's doing! A lot of massage therapists shy away from deep tissue work in the neck. But that's what I NEED! And let me tell you, that's what I got. Not exactly comfortable, but yoga breathing helped, and it's awesome to be able to move without twingy pain. There's still a bit of a knot left, but she released so many others that I'm not having rebound issues.
Okay, now that everyone thinks I'm a raging alcoholic, I'll fill you in on the Stratford trip.
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My Worst Hangovers (and basically, there haven't been many more than this at all) 1. The first - I was 16. I drank everything, including peppermint schnapps. I passed out. And threw up. I didn't drink again for a VERY long time! (also couldn't look at KFC coleslaw or chicken) 2. The summer I was 18. I drank Canada Cooler - the original and the peach. I was pissed off at my boyfriend, so I drank more. Sleeping in a waterbed with no baffles. . . not so good. 3. Oct 18, 1987. I was still 18. It was my one year anniversary with the boyfriend from #2. I was away at university, and had also started dating Hubby (the boyfriend and I had stupidly agreed not to beak up over the phone or in a letter). I drank a litre and a half of Baby Duck. Ugh!!!! And the next day, Hubby and a friend brought me brunch. It was about 4 pm before I finished. 4. Aug 1990. A Friday night at the end of the month. Two friends from high school came from Toronto to London, Ont to visit me. We went out partying, and they stayed over. I was rather slow the next morning at the scuba shop where I worked. 5. Aug 1991. Tequila shots in an Ohio campground. The campground had no running water. There was me, and 5 guys camping (2 people in the van, and there were 2 tents). Don knew I liked tequila, and brought a quart. Everyone had a shot with me, except Rob, who had 2 (he'd never had it before). I really got into lick the salt, swig the tequila, bite the lemon, FLING the peel! When I woke up in the morning and staggered from my tent, I thought my eyes had malfunctioned. But no, there were yellow flashes - everywhere! Lemon peels. Ugh. And we were there for the last dives of our Advanced course in scuba (oh, and I worked at the shop which the instructor owned). I did the first dive, nearly threw up in my regs, and sat out the second dive. 6. Last weekend of Sept, 1991. Doing my Master's in Miami. I went to Pigeon Key with the Scuba and Sailing clubs. The Saturday night, we went to Key West. There were beverages, and then we came back to Pigeon Key and drank some more. Kind of a rough return to Miami the next day (not just for me!) 7. Fall, 1992. Went to a friend's place in West Palm Beach, went clubbing. Ordered a Kir Royale (I'd been drinking wine, and was trying to stick with wine-based stuff). Somehow, they gave me Crown Royal. Straight. Not a good choice. Not a good morning. 8. Spring, 1993. My friend Maro was a booker at the Ford Modelling Agency. She had connections to great parties, and we went out with her (very hot, Australian photographer) friend. There were many drinks and a lot of dancing. Not much sleep. I was still drunk when I woke up. Bad, very bad. 9. May 1995. I was married, but doing my internship at Miami Children's Hospital and Hubby was in Ottawa. My friend Nautica and I went and stayed at another friend's beach house on Isla Morada in the Keys. We tanned and hung out all afternoon, then went to the Tiki Bar that is quite famous in the area. Nautica was meeting this fireman, and he brought a friend. Lucky me, I got to hang out with him. I kept getting frozen drinks - Rum Runners, Pina Coladas, Daiquiris - that were made in Slurpee machines. Nautica's dude was getting annoyed because she kept watching me, happily drinking and quite tipsy, dancing with this other guy. She kept saying "I've never seen her like this!" Well, the next morning, it was a long drive back to Miami. An Arby's Jamocha shake helped me feel human again. 10. Summer, 1998 or 1999. A Sunday. Hubby and I were in Oakville visiting my parents. I was staying for the week, and Hubby left, but was coming back the following weekend. We had roast beef and red wine. The fourth bottle (Barolo!!! We've never had it again!)was a bad idea. The quote "my brain is banging against my skull" still makes my Mom laugh! 11. New Year's Eve, 2002. Our neighbours had a party. We didn't have a babysitter, so we switched off (Hubby went for a bit, then I went, and so on). Until the karaoke came out. He came home and sent me with gin and tonic. The bottle was gone when I finally came home (on my own steam - no one realized how drunk I was because it was another neighbour who was "relaxing" on the bathroom floor). I couldn't get vertical until 3:30 pm - and we had guests coming for dinner! 12. Austin, TX, Nov 2004. Music Therapy Conference. Out on the town with Bert, Pearl, and Berly. Sampling one of each on the martini menu. Things went downhill when they mixed in a champagne cocktail. "Are you here to meet a cowboy?" from some Texan guy, followed by him buying us a round, me telling him I didn't need anything (because I had realized that I was SMASHED). And then he asked me if I wanted to go back to my hotel, to which I said yes (I think we had different meanings - he thought Canadian girls were REALLY frendly, and I just needed to pass out). We left him at the bar, and took a horse-drawn carriage back. I made it to my room. It wasn't pretty the next morning. Toast and bacon that took hours to eat. Pearl refused to get me Gatorade because it's bad for your teeth. I finally got some, was fine within an hour - the next spring I made Pearl drink Gatorade to cure her hangover, and she was impressed by how well it works. 13. This morning. Too much white wine last night. Some Gatorade, a Grande Blackberry Green Tea Frappucinno (no whip) from Starbucks, and some Advil. The long ride to African Lion Safari during which I could close my eyes, and . . . as good as new. |
. . . in the sun. It was a total scorcher here today (and in many, many other places as well). I took my Mom for groceries in the morning (she doesn't drive - never has, never will), and we spent the rest of the day by the pool. Clara decided that it should be clothing optional - for a while she was a little nudist. She refused to put her bikini top back on because "Corwin doesn't have to, so I'm going to pretend I'm a boy". Okay - time for extra sunscreen, though!
You Are A Rowan Tree |
![]() You are full of charm and cheer. You light up a room. And while you crave attention, you do it without ego. You are an interesting mix of contradictions - and very unpredictable. You are both dependent and independent, calm and restless. You are passionate, emotional, gregarious, and (at times) unforgiving. |
What better way to start Sunday than by going to brunch at The Water Street Cooker? Of course the kids both had breakfast earlier, but were more than happy to dig in to the spectacular buffet. Clara loaded her plate with ham and shrimp, and a few mussels. Corwin ordered a 3 egg omelette (ham and cheese), and had sausage and bacon with a few hash browns to accompany. He went back for a plate full of mussels as well. I was seduced by the Caesar salad with optional toppings (I chose real bacon and lots of blue cheese crumbles), and a cup of seafood chowder. And I repeated this once (the rest looked good, but their seafood chowder was divine). Also divine? The fact that they would come around and top up your orange juice with champagne. Ah, mimosa! Let's not forget dessert. Clara could eat her weight in chocolate, and she happily enjoyed a Nanaimo Bar, a piece of carrot cake and some fruit. Corwin had 3 Nanaimo bars, and a whole bunch of watermelon. Another highlight - we were seated near the large, saltwater aquarium at my mother's request. The kids were thrilled! They were fascinated with the moray eel, and Corwin was beside himself with excitement that there was a clownfish just like Nemo.
A good day - spent by the pool. It was crazy hot, and Jazz dog insisted on hanging outside with us. Crazy puppy!
Okay, just a quick post to say we got safely to Oakville - and we made really good time (just over 4 hrs, including a stop for gas/bathroom/doggie needing water). Even more impressive is the fact that I managed to log in at a computer other than my own! (low tech, I tell you, I'm low tech!)
My children do not seem to miss me. However, I'm not surprised. They left for Oakville on Tuesday with G & GP (my parents/their grandparents). After spending the night at G & GP's house, they headed to Niagara Falls on Wednesday. First, they went to the Butterfly Conservatory. It is apparently quite impressive, and Corwin was very excited because a butterfly landed on him!
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Inspired by a book I heard mentioned on the radio, here's a list of 13 things I want to do before I die (the book is 1000 things) 1. Go skydiving 2. Scuba dive on the Great Barrier Reef at the Cod Hole (did my first dive on the Great Barrier, but 20 minutes at 30 feet doesn't REALLY count) 3. Sing at karaoke. In front of people. 4. Take Corwin and Clara to DisneyWorld (okay, that should be sooner rather than later!) 5. Take a Cordon Bleu or some other swanky cooking course. 6. Own my very own horse. Groom. Ride. Enjoy. 7. Get all my pictures scrapbooked. 8. Live in England or the South of France for a year. Or a year each. 9. Climb Ayer's Rock (did the base tour, but I'll have to go back to climb) 10. Stay at the Ice Hotel in Sweden (yes, there's one in Quebec, but it just wouldn't be the same) 11. Wear my Laura Ashley cocktail dress again (which implies losing weight, getting back in shape!) 12. Join the Mile High Club. 13. Get a tattoo. Links to other Thursday Thirteens! |
What a perfect evening for an outdoor concert!!! La Patisserie and I drove downtown and met Weasley at the bar, where we indulged in a pitcher of sangria (just the ladies - Weasley had a beer), and a smorgasbord of shared Happy Hour snacks. Then we made our way to the Bluesfest main stage area. There were ongoing performances from about 6, but Blue Rodeo was scheduled to start at 9. We got there shortly after 7, with our camp chairs slung over our shoulders, looking for a spot to set up. La Patisserie and I figured we'd sit further back but Weasley would have none of it.
Corwin and CLara are leaving this morning for their big trip with G & GP (my parents). I am trying to get the last of their stuff organized. Will write more soon. Oh - and I have TWO dates for Blue Rodeo tonight - La Patesserie and Weasley.
You Are Bad Girl Sexy |
![]() Girl, you are nothing but trouble. And that's hot. You've got the classic bad girl sexiness mojo going on. And your badass attitude makes men fear you - and crave you. Don't give into people who say to tone it down. You're perfect as is. |
wow - keep reading about drunk blogging, but never done it. Lots and lots of sangria at Kit's place (my sister-in-law),and I am just Soooo happy for spell check (vowels? you mean there's an order to make sense?)
Just a little update. PoD has safely made it to his destination, and survived the two week training stuff. Since last Sunday, he's been out in his "area" near the swamp the size of Belgium. I've had two e-mails, but now it will be more sporadic - who knows if they have internet in the swamp, right?
I keep hearing this song on the radio when I'm driving. It's reminiscent of Blondie's "The Tide is High", and it's kinda catchy. I like it. And I finally discovered who sings it. Paris Hilton. My head is hung in shame. I'm so embarrassed! Paris freakin' Hilton.
The good news is that I survived the intense class on Wednesday evening. I wasn't exactly sure what to expect, but this class used the BOSU (that half inflated ball thing on a stand that you balance on) for the warm-up, and then a series of sets and reps at four different stations. Surprisingly, I managed to do all the assigned exercises. Yes, they were hard, but I wasn't so horrible that I couldn't complete anything (except the push-ups, but my neck and shoulder are still sore - massage tomorrow - so I just did the yoga plank instead of risking further injury). All of the exercises targeted the core and were pilates-based, just more intense. Somehow, I have a very strong core (must have been all that yoga last year).
If you decide that your legs need to be waxed, and if you decide to do this late on a Sunday night while standing in the kitchen and watching season 1 of Grey's Anatomy on DVD, it is advisable to take extreme caution when waxing close to your bikini line. Because if you accidentally get wax somewhere that you didn't intend, and you rip the wax without holding ALL of your skin taut, the bruising is unbelievable. Not painful, just very unsightly. Just a suggestion.
No, not for Blue Rodeo (anyone? anyone?). I have an appointment on Saturday morning for a massage. Yay!! My neck is somewhat better, but hopefully this will fix it the rest of the way. And now I must go swimming with the kids.
So Blue Rodeo is playing at Bluesfest next Tuesday. An outdoor concert, starts at 9pm, definitely over by 11pm. That's the day that Corwin and Clara leave with my parents (more to come about their planned adventures). Perfect timing, because Hubby and I can go and we don't have to worry about a babysitter, right? One caveat - Hubby is not a night owl. And I mean NOT a night owl - he's in bed by 10, maybe 10:15. True, he gets up at 5 (one of those crazy morning people), and is at work by about 6:15. It's just one evening, though. But in the past he has pulled the "I'm tired, can we go?" thing that pisses me off so much. For example, we went to see Jim Cuddy (half of Blue Rodeo) at the Folk Festival when I was very pregnant. It was August, and it was quite warm. It was also a Friday night. We watched the opening acts, and Jim Cuddy's first two songs. Then "I'm tired, can we go?" happened. Excuse me? I'm the very-pregnant-with-twins woman, sitting on the grass on a Friday night. We can sleep in on Saturday morning. But no. We had to go. Ask me if I'm still bitter about this!
Since Canada Day fell on a Saturday, most people got Monday off. We took advantage of this by having a dinner guest on Sunday (also because the kids didn't have soccer, so we could have dinner at a regular hour), and then going to the beach on Monday.
. . . you turn your head slightly at 6 am and your neck locks, shooting pain radiating down your back, up your neck, and into your arm.